Why are African Tribal People Soo Attractive??? (Top 6 African Male looksmaxing Secrets!!!)

Africa is a continent full of beautiful faces:)

Wodaabe (male peacocking) Men Teeth Whitening 

White Teeth 

. They are a Nomadic pastoralist sub ethnic group of the Fulani

. Beauty is a very important part of their culture as it is the man’s responsibility to attract the women’s attention 

. Once a year the nomads come together for a festival called “Gerewol” where men compete to be selected by marriageable women for marriage as the most beautiful 

. The beauty standards include being tall, White Eyes & Teeth, men will often roll their eyes and show their teeth to emphasize these characteristics

Tecnuiques these people use to show off the charateristics and whiten their teeth are using 

  • Men use lipstick to dye their lips blacks to emphasize the white color of their teeth
  • Beside this, other things traditionally used by people across the African continent for whiter teeth include things like charcoal, African chewing sticks, and even cow dung in some cases

Chadian Women Chèbe powder

Long Hair 

  • Credited tp their famously ling hair 
  • Made from Croton gratissimus a plant that grows natively in many countries in sub Saharan Africa 
  • Musically mixed with animal fats and other oils & is applied to the hair several times per month 
  • When being applied its generally also serves as a women’s gathering & bonding event 

Women in Chad from the Basara Arab ethnic group use Chebe powder 

  • Manila used as a protective styling agent
  • Adds a coat of protection to the hair making it less vulnerable to things like damage and breakage  

Why South Sudanese (nilotes) are too tall (cattle based diet) 

Cattle based Diet 

South Sudanese Nilotes are famously know for the staggering height, producing even the NBA’s tallest basketball player Manut Bol. 

Many theories have been made for their extremely lengthy stature. 

Avg hieght: Mostly exaggerated, however some studies found the average highest to be around 5’11, just a few centimeters under the Dutch of the Netherlands


  • Historically were pastoralist, consuming dairy products like milk, cheese, and eating meats and grains which are optimal fro bone health 
  • Environmental factors such as abundant sunlight and resulting in them reviving a good amount of Vitamin D 

This thing parent suorising, as South Sudanese models in recent years have made a string presence in the modeling agencies for their polarizing, and over all attractive looks. 

Tuareg Desert Date oil 

Skin Moisturizer

Who: The Tuareg are are a Berber ethnic group living in the sahara in countries like Libya, Algeria, Burkina Faso, and many other countries. 

What: they use desert date oil extracted from seeds which they collect from drylands 

  • The oil clears skin irritations, clear up sun spots 


Acne Treatment 

Who? I have read on any groups of people in particular who use this, but I heard that is was used in “many African Countries” for its skin care benefits and as medicine. Notably Malawi.


Comes from the Boab tree which grow all over the African continent. Usually used un oil form


 Usually applied onto the skin in its oil form. Contains ingredients such as omega 3 fatty acids, that help reduce swelling and irritation. As well as well as anti aging oxidizes. It helps achive this anti aging effect because its adds to skin hydration, plumpness and elasticity. 

Rhassouls Clay 

Skin Exfoliater 


Used by people in Morocco

A type of clay used as a cosmetic applicant to the hair and skin. 


It is exclusively found along the Atlas mountain valley in Morocco North Africa 


Its benefits for skin and hair include it being able to absorb through your skin barrier to help fight acne, and cleanse “impurities”. Research hs also shown that it was able to reduce or treated with Rhassouls Clay


Interested in more of my work? https://www.skool.com/anthropology-africa-1607/about


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