
A History of The Baggara

“ Baggara ” means “cattlemen”             The baggara are a confederation of nomadic ethnic “Arab” groups that inhabit Sahel region of Africa.  They are also sometimes known as “Chadian Arabs” they are of mixed Arab and even Arabized indigenous African ancestry. And they number over 6 million in total They are nomads of 2 kinds Camel man & Cattle men  The camel men typically occupy the southern fringes if the desert  While the cattle men live relatively south of them  Nonetheless they all claim distant kinship with each other, as well their genealogies spaning back centuries connecting with the Guheyena. A section of the Himyarites of Southern Arabia from teh days before Prophet Muhammad. Baggara sub groups?  Location  Their territory include countries like Nigeria, Chad, and Sudan forming an area/territory known as “the Baggara belt” . “ Baggara ” means “cattlemen”  Origins      Nonetheless they all claim distant kinship with each other, as well their genealogies spaning

Why are African Tribal People Soo Attractive??? (Top 6 African Male looksmaxing Secrets!!!)

Africa is a continent full of beautiful faces:) Wodaabe (male peacocking) Men Teeth Whitening  White Teeth  . They are a Nomadic pastoralist sub ethnic group of the Fulani . Beauty is a very important part of their culture as it is the man’s responsibility to attract the women’s attention  . Once a year the nomads come together for a festival called “Gerewol” where men compete to be selected by marriageable women for marriage as the most beautiful  . The beauty standards include being tall, White Eyes & Teeth, men will often roll their eyes and show their teeth to emphasize these characteristics Tecnuiques these people use to show off the charateristics and whiten their teeth are using  Men use lipstick to dye their lips blacks to emphasize the white color of their teeth Beside this, other things traditionally used by people across the African continent for whiter teeth include things like charcoal, African chewing sticks, and even cow dung in some cases Chadian Women Chèbe powd